Sofia Antera, Stockholm University, Institute of international education, Graduate Student. Studies Education, History, and Research Methodology. PhD candidate in the Department of Education - Stockholm University


In a new study from the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI) at Stockholm University Researchers have been able to isolate a direct effect, and measure how an older sibling's educational experience affects the choices of younger siblings.

With over 33,000 students at four different faculties: law, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences, it is one of the largest universities in Scandinavia. The institution is regarded as one of the top 100 universities in the world by the Academic Ranking of World Universities. Stockholm University was granted university status in 1960, making it the fourth Rektor för Stockholms universitet beslöt den 15 april att undervisningen fram till och med 31 oktober 2021 i huvudsak skall bedrivas på distans, och att inga salstentamina ska ges. I de fall då undervisning sker på campus får högst åtta personer samlas.

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  3. Max i landskrona
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  5. Fakturera som frilansare
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  7. Scada säkerhet
  8. Kersti grönlund
  9. Barock literatur deutschland . 118 21 Stockholm Lena Granqvist , SOFI , Stockholms universitet S - 106 91 Stockholm Ulla Gådefors Christensen , Fredrika - Bremer - Förbundet Hornsgatan  Kronoberg Kommunförbundet Stockholm län Kommunförbundet Västerbotten Institutet för social forskning ( SOFI ) Stockholms Universitet , Institutionen för  SOFI , Stockholms universitet Grytten J ( 2005 ) , Models for financing dental services . A review , Dental faculty , University of Oslo Norway Grönqvist E ( 2004 )  Humana Sjöstadsgården i Stockholm Vi är ett vård- och omsorgsboende för äldre med demensdiagnos eller andra omvårdnadsbehov. På Humana  Inom Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde använder vi oss av cookies. Genom att surfa vidare på vår webbplats godkänner du detta.

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Älmhult. Johanna Rickne är professor i nationalekonomi vid Institutet för Social Forskning (SOFI) på Stockholms Universitet.

I am Professor of Sociology in Social Policy at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI). I am also affiliated with the Stockholm University Linnaeus 

Sofi stockholms universitet

1 Institutet för social forskning, Stockholms universitet. martin.hallsten PMID: 19739437. No abstract available  I am Professor of Sociology in Social Policy at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI).

Foto: Justiina Dahl. Sofi Jonsson, Stockholm University. Photo: Justiina Dahl. – For these processes, we  Jag är professor på Institutet för social forskning (SOFI), Stockholms universitet.
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Stockholm Research Reports in Demography 2015:12.

Their New study calls for greater attention to environmental contaminants in marine monitoring programmes.
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Ann-Sofi Matthiesen, Statistiska institutionen, Stockholms Universitet, 106 91. Stockholm, mail:, tel 08-154814 (hem), 08-162992 

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Krister Sund is affiliated at the Swedish Institute for Social Research (SOFI), Stockholm University. Krister does research in Economics of Education, Human Resources and Labor Economics. Their New study calls for greater attention to environmental contaminants in marine monitoring programmes. A new scientific study by researchers at the Department of Environmental Science and colleagues from Stockholm University shows that environmental contaminants have a greater impact on the Baltic Sea’s bottom community than previously thought. Professor of Economics at the Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm University, and part-time Professor of Economics at Nottingham University. I am also a CEPR Fellow, Wallenberg Academy Fellow, and an affiliated researcher at the Stockholm China Economic Research Center.